Comparison and Evaluation
This is my own version of Si scott's typography
I followed the tutorial in lesson and found it quit hard to understand and follow but i tried my best.
we had to complete two typography one in black and white and the other in colour.
As i already said i didn't really understand the tutorial and found it quit complex.
The tools on photoshop was hard to use and i have to change the settings a lot to try and make it work. It was along process to do and in the end i don't think my final results are that great.
I don't think it looks any thing like Si Scott work, He's work is full and busy and mine is empty and bare. He's work has multiple of different yellows and oranges and mine is just one plain colour.
He's work had multiples of different flicks, twists and curls and because i found it hard to do in photoshop i hardly have any.
After i done my photoshop typography i created a hand drawn for my final example.
For this hand drawn typography i used a ruler, pencil and fine liner.
I had draw a "totally awesome" typography. I prefer my hand drawn one to my photoshop. Just because it different from Si Scott and my photoshop one too. I think it has more detail even though it doesn't have any colour.
I prefer the curls and twisted in my hand drawn, i feel that it has more detail and is more my own style.
I think my final hand drawn example is good but i can do much better.So i took some time and added colour.
I think my final hand drawn example is good but i can do much better.So i took some time and added colour.
By adding colour is has enhance my final outcome completely
it has given it depth and texture. By using water colour penicals
and water it has created this water feel great for my surfing project.
Also adding twist and curls and curves it also stick to the themes project surfing.
I thought about using different colours but i stick with blues and greens because i feel that symbolises the sea.
I now really like my final drawn typography.
I dont' prefer si scott's work to Oscar Wilson's, i found Oscar's more colourfully.
Oscar wilson
A callagram artist making known objects out of just words.
I started my t-shirt design by sketching a silhouette of two people holding a surfboard, I then added in words to fit inside the image words that linked to my surf project, then rubbed out the outline i scanned my callagram into photoshop rubbed out unwanted lines, colours and areas in each word.
I think the difference between oscar wilson's work and mine is that this work is much more organised and neat also the way words take the shape of the image exactly. Where mine isn't as organised as his although you can still see my image, some of my words are different sizes to others.
My use of colour is different also because he uses exact colours that link to the image for example if he made a callagram of a post box, he would make all the words red. As for my callagram it's brightly coloured and has no relation to my surfing brief. Most people used dark blues and light bluely, greens. Were i went for a range of colours,personally i like my colours of my callagram. It makes the image look fresh and clear.
Oscar wilson makes his callagrams look realistic and have depth and from just varying the size of his words in his callagrams which i just slightly managed to do with mine.
The words he uses in his callagram isn't just random words that have no meaning to his work. They link in with the image. I also applied this to my work so i used surf related words like sand,beach,sea,dude,surf,awesome,wet,and waves ect.
I find Oscar wilson's work fascinating because the way he manages to just use words to make such a strange manfully image.
The part i found most hardest when, was trying to do an Oscar wilson inspired piece was trying to make my image actually look like what i wanted it to look liked. It was very hard to fit the writing in to my shape. And to make it aesthetically pleasing.
Although it was hard to do i found the task quit pleasing and enjoyed it very much. Know i how to do an inspired callagram like oscar wilson's i will be doing it more in my work.
Linn Osbourne is an artist who creates photo-collages.
First i had to follow the tutorial,to create my photo collage. Using the photographs from Brighton.
If we didn't have an photos from brighton we could use 'Found' images from the internet as a staring point.
My for my first design i used 'Found' images from the internet just googling surfing photography and surfing Brighton. I liked that design but it's a bit plan. I could of used more images for the t-shirt and maybe could have more text with a different font. I also could of used a different colour t-shrit or different colour text. I think this design would look better on a white t-shirt the colours would look harmonious.
This is my 2nd design I prefer this design to my 1st one
i think the colours are harmonious, i like how i have used all my own BRIGHTON photos. And i have placed my logo at the bottom of the t-shirt.
and also the Jw at the bottom of the top for Junky waves.
I like the fact i have also put on my design name junky waves in a big font in white and also put brighton on it too.
I used a black and white effect for my photos, i think this is a good effect for my t-shirt. The comparison to Linn is that we have both used photo collage and have used images that is related to our work. As she has gone for colour and i followed the brief of surfing. Linn's colour was all about colour but i thought i would mix it up and use black and white effects for my photos and by doing this it has given it depth. I really prefer my t-shrit design photos in black and white.
Out of the three design i have tried i really prefer Linn Osbourne and oscar Wilson's. I prefer them because they are bright, bold and colourful. I like how you can use their techniques for anything and everything. Unlike Si Scott's which you have to do written design and use curls and twists.
I think a Linn Osbourne and Oscar Wilson's inspired design would look better on a surfing t-shirt.
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