Monday, 11 February 2013

Inspiring Stop-Motion

My 3 chosen inspiring stop motion videos.

  • Why have you selected it? 
  • I have selected Marple college stop-motion test, sorry i'm late and Death cab for cutie 

  • What is inspiring about it?
  • I thought all was inspiring because of many different reason for Marple college i like how they went in and out of the different college apartments and how he got he's friend to join him in the video. 
  • I like how sorry i'm late was shot from a high angle and that some one was actually holding props in front of the camera instead of it being on the floor. So it make it look massive but in actual fact it wasn't. 
  • And i also like how Death can for cutie uses the music to base there video on, Just using song lyrcis and using different ways of writing them for example. Using the sand on the beach and using a frying pan to cook out and word.

  • What type of animation is it?
  • Marple college and Sorry i'm late are both stop motion. Which is when you take a photo move a little and take another so when you have about 15-30 shots you can make to seem like the person or objects are moving.
  • With Death cab for cutie they also you stop motion but instead of using person they use some objects and type. 

  • What sort of props/techniques have been used?
  • For Marple college they used a camera not on a stand and put it in Photoshop  By not  using a stand for the camera you can see in the video the camera moving around which is a bit off putting also they should of changed the light setting on the camera or in photo shop in some frames as when we were traveling about the college some shot went from really light to also black.
  • For Sorry i'm late like i said before they used an over head angle looking down on the person/ object. Then used quit big props for the person to sit and stand on. But they also used a technique which looked really effective  Were they put a blue paper in front of the camera so it looked like the person was under the sea and also holding objects so it looked like they were the actual size of the person when we was not.
  • For death cab for cutie they used Photoshop to add in text and fading in about out effects but they also used stop motion just taking pictures when we are writing the lyrics out. 

  • What could you try in your own work that is inspired by this?
  • I Think i could try all these techniques in my own work as they are all really good and effective.
  • The one i was most inspired by was the Death can for cutie, I just liked the same the pictures which with the video and song lyrics and how fun and creative it all looked and i was think it wouldn't be to hard to do to but also will look really strong light and effective.

Sorry I'm Late from Tomas Mankovsky on Vimeo.
Death Cab for Cutie - Little Bribes from Ross Ching on Vimeo.

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