Monday, 8 April 2013

My final animation video ad.

This is my final animation Advert for FOOD!

This sort video is about the theme food (Healthy Eating)
The reason why i chose the topic food was because i wanted my ad to have a meaning behind it. The meaning i wanted to have in my video was healthy eating for children. 
I wanted kids aged 3-18 year old, to see that having fruit isn't just a bad thing and that you can eat healthy food in any different ways just as smoothie.
But I also knew not everyone will be willing to make fresh smoothies every time someone wanted a drink. 
The easy and quick way would be to buy them. 
From this advert people get to see how fresh smoothies are made but with the twist.
How i created this advert was quite complex  First i had to start off by researching  different animations adverts such as the innocent smoothies and and stop motion advert as i decided to include stop motion as a technique in my final project.
After i researched many adverts i started to put a together a mind map full of different types and topics that was all based on one subject food.

After i did a quick mind map i started to get different ideas for a smoothie advert and started putting together quick drawings of ideas i had in my head alot with different names for my branded smoothie.  After that i then put together a how to how to diagram. This actually helped alot with the project on a whole as i wrote down question on how i would make different techniques work and then i had to come up with ways to solve them. So very much solving my own problems.
The idea i decided on was a stop motion animation were i would create a fresh smoothie using all brightly colour fruit to try and make it more interesting and after i made it i would drink it all and then rewind the clip so the smoothie was coming out of my mouth, all the fruit would be come solids again so that children and adults could see that this smoothie compared to other smoothies was only made with fresh fruit and had no added sugar or ingredients.

I wanted to have more then one animated technique in my advert just because it wanted it to look more applying to children and adults watching to show all the cool skills and effects  you can use on a computer to put in to a advert. 

The first part of my advert i shoot was the tile (beginning) sequence the text from the name of the smoothie. Which you can see me writing it on a massive paper using stop motion. Taking lots of photos for each frame.
  The reason why i called it  'Juicy Boosty'  was because i wanted it to be catchy so people would remember it, The juice with a Boost!

After i filmed the beginning sequence i then began to shoot the smoothie making part. This part took a while to shoot as you can guess quite alot of photos, but the end result was good i got my photos ready for imovie to create my advert! The one important part of my advert was the whole rewind technique. I needed this in my advert to get the meaning across that this smoothie was better then any other smoothie out there in the supermarkets and that the target audience should buy this one.
But this didn't quite go to plan for the rewind effect on imovie you had to take the front the top on the screen down to the bottom and then lay them out back to front to get the 'rewind' effect. It sounds easy and was in the tester videos but not with over 10000 photo which took 1 hour just to upload to imovie.
 With time running out and the final deadline coming up on the animation project i had to go back to the drawing broad and think about how i could over come this problem. 
After a while of looking around the internet on Google asking question and watching 'how to do' tutorials on youtube i found out that there was a very quick and easy way to do the rewind effect on imovie. And that was to actually film the smoothie making part in my advert not to take photos. Although i had to get rid of the main stop-motion part i really needed the 'rewind' effect in my video so filmed in on my iPhone added to my advert. 

With filming on my phone brought a few more problems such as muting the background noise
to make the film move quicker and added the 'rewind' effect and adding any special effects. 
Luckily I found on youtube a whole load of tutorials so i saved a whole load of time on trying to figure out to do the effects it was there for me to watch and learn.
After editing in the film sequence i added different effects to my advert such as music, text, colour, font, the size of the font and at the end different fading in and out effects.

I finally fished my advert and i think it looks really good i like the meaning behind the smoothie advert. I think it meets the marking criteria and meets the briefs to.
There are a few things i would change in my video such as the timing. I think on a whole the advert needs to be sorter as its five minutes long. I tried to make it sorter but imovie wouldn't let me so that was out of my hands.
The second thing i would change is the music i like the music very much i find it very up beat but in the advert the music keeps cutting out in different frames so i would go back and change that. 
The last thing i would change is the lighting i think on a whole my advert would look more professional in a studio with bright lights.

I enjoyed this animation project very much and would enjoy another one sometime.   

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