Thursday 7 February 2013

time lapse animation using your drawings and my iMotion animation

My time lapse animation using my drawings of food.
This animation was really easy and effective to use. All i had to do was download imotion on to my phone and take a few photos which was set at 0.1 seconds and drawing my chosen food. Which i choose what a ' Go head yogurt bar' it took a few seconds to film and looks really effective . I liked doing the animation drawings because it was so quick and also you can experiment with all types of pens. pencils and fine liners. 
After i had made my video i uploaded it to youtube so i could upload it to my blogger.


This is my imotion animation which is all about food!
I decided first of all to make a animation on how to make tea but i didn't work out very well and the position kept changing and you couldn't see what was going on inside the cup. 
So that i had a thought about how making bread into toast.
I planned it out a bit better then the cup of tea. I made sure my phone stand in the same place as it started off like. then I was a little longer filming then it was with the drawing because i had to pause  the film alot of the time to make sure you  could see the journey of the bread turning  in to toast and to make sure i had to the best angle to watch it from.
This imotion took about 15 frames on about 5 seconds just so i could make sure i had time to go in and out of the shot to move the bread to make it travel. 
Over all i enjoyed working with imotion and i think my bread turning into toast looks really good. 
the only thing i would change about it if maybe i could add music to it.

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