Monday 4 February 2013


My Animated GIF

  • How did you create your animated Gif?
  • i created my gif my using a shot of each pose which was between 10 to 30 photos.  then i went on Photoshop and add them in order of how i wanted them. then i had to open up the animation box which would show me all the different frames. Then i had to duplicate the layers which doesn't take too long and i had to keep doing that to all of my frames. then you change the time settings to 0.1 seconds and then  when i finished doing that i made it on a loop, so it would keep on playing. 
  • How effective is your animation? i.e. does it work well?
  • I think my GIF worked really well, i like how i'm doing all the tourist would do on holiday.
  • What could you do to improve your animation? i.e. make it longer / add in some typography / try some different Adobe Photoshop techniques.
  • I thinking adding speech bubbles above my head to act out what i'm thinking would be good. to show that i'm scared because i saw a lion in the background
  • Which artist did you look at for information on this technique?
  • The artist i looked at what Jamie beck 
  • If you did this again what would you do to improve? Remember, you might decide to do this for your final outcome so this evaluation could be helpful!
  • If i would do a GIF again i would make an actual background not just use a screen, I also would make props so it would look more effective. 

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