Wednesday 3 October 2012

Review on my final logo
  • Are you happy with your final logo? What works well?
I'm very happy with my final logo, i think what works the best is the use of colours and how the tales 
Represent  j and w for my logo name which is Junky Waves.
  .Do you think you could do anything to improve on this? You must write at least one comment here but more would be good!

There would be a few things i would liked to change about my final logo, i don't  like the eyes on my mermaids at all i think it looks silly and i would change them so they look  realistic and add colour to them. Also i would change the effects on the tales on my 2nd logo i found a good tool to use in photoshop which was a bit like spray paint and with this effect i was able to create a realistic scales for the tales. Another thing i would like to change in my logo is to ADD a background! i forgot to create one and on a whole i think it would look must better if i added sea,sand and maybe a bit of seaweed.
  • Was there any logo that inspired your design?
There wasn't an logo that really inspired me that much. I googled a lot of "mermaid logos" and the only famous one i found was Starbucks. The mermaid in this logo has also two tales and gave me my idea for my different letters.  My real inspired was from my mind map and my quick icon drawings  so went with one of my icon drawings and carried it on from there.

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